三宮 敦生
- 専門分野
- 認知心理学、教育心理学
[学部] 心理学A?B、教育心理学、教育実習I-III
教育学修士 京都大学大学院
1989 京都大学大学院博士後期課程満期退学(単位取得)
1986 京都大学大学院教育学研究科修士課程 修了
1984 京都大学教育学部教育心理学科 卒業
2005年 万博下载官网|360足球直播|主页音楽学部助教授
2007年 同准教授
2010年 同教授
記憶におけるpart-set cueing効果
False memoryの生起メカニズム
Does intention to learn the locations facilitate eyewitness memory for cars?(共著), 11th Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition(SARMAC XI),抄録集p.22.(2015)
Recognition memory for cars and identification of location : Implications for the unconscious transference of cars.(共著),Journal of Human Environmental Studies. Vol.11(1), pp.35-41. (2013)
The detrimental effects of part-set cueing on false recall in a random list design.(共著), Seishin Studies. Vol.119, pp.3-19. (2012)
The detrimental effects of part-set cueing on false recall: The role of list structure.(共著), 5th International Conference on Memory, 抄録集,p.130. (2011)
Does Part-Set Cueing Inhibit False Memories in the DRM Paradigm?(共著),Seishin Studies.Vol.115,pp.45-62. (2010)
The inhibitory effect of part-set cueing on false recall : Evidence against test-induced activation.(共著), Seishin Studies.Vol.114, pp.47-60. (2010)
Recognition memory for cars and identification of location.(共著), International Journal of Psychology. Vol.43(3/4), p.519. (2008)
A training program for improving logical communication skills of high school students.(共著), International Journal of Psychology. Vol.43(3/4), p.694. (2008)
What teachers in charge of educational counseling should know.(単著), The Bulletin of the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music. Vol.35, pp.87-97. (2006)
The effect of negative mood on false recall and recognition.(共著), Seishin Studies, Vol.105, pp.3-31. (2005)
Effect of backchannel utterances on facilitating idea-generation in Japanese think-aloud tasks. (共著), Psychological Reports, Vol.93, pp.41-46. (2003)
The effect of negative mood on false memories.(共著), 43rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 抄録集, p.161. (2002)
A case study on support for students’ thinking through computer-mediated communication.(共著), Psychological Reports, Vol.87, pp.295-303. (2000)
The paradoxical effect of friendly impression on person memory.(共著), International Journal of Psychology, Vol.35(3/4), p.162. (2000)
Cognitive characteristics of face-to-face and computer-mediated communication in group discussion: An examination from three dimensions.(共著),Educational Technology Research.Vol.22, pp.19-25. (1999)